About Us

The University of Georgia’s Small Satellite Research Laboratory (SSRL) is dedicated to advancing satellite technology through research, innovation, and education. We specialize in the design, development, and deployment of small satellites, with a focus on CubeSats that support Earth observation and space science missions. Our lab provides students with hands-on experience in aerospace engineering, remote sensing, and data analysis, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration across engineering, science, and communication fields.

Our Competition

Our competition, the LEARNSat Challenge, will provide K12 institutions with the unique opportunity to compete for the chance of winning a fully funded LEARNSat. We are looking for innovative and impactful research proposals using LEARNSats.


Competition participants and LEARNSat Partners can access expertly curated educational content about CubeSat technology, LEARNSat assembly, and payload development produced by experts in the UGA SSRL.